
Play Offers Escape to Kids at Orangewood

Six- to 10-year-old youngsters staying at the Orangewood Children’s Home had the chance Monday to escape to the make-believe land of Narnia through the play “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.”

The play was presented by Imaginary Productions, a trio based in Orange County. Carrie Lundquist, 22, who founded the theater, said its goal is “to get children turned on to literature and away from television by doing the classics.”

Although Lundquist has been a theatrical performer “ever since I can remember,” she was hesitant at first to perform in front of children. “I didn’t know what kind of audience they would be, but they’re always so fascinated,” she said.


The trio ensemble usually performs at schools and parks but donated its services to Orangewood. The facility houses children between 3 months and 18 years of age who have been removed from abusive homes.
