
Reason Questioned for ‘Forum’ on Gas-Powered Leaf-Blowers

Could someone please explain the rationale behind South Pasadena’s proposed “public forum to discuss the issue” of leaf-blowers? (Times, Aug. 9). I’ve read the article three times, and it’s still confusing.

The City Council’s problem seems to be “numerous complaints about the noise and pollution created by gas-powered blowers,” but Councilman James Hodge says the public forum should not begin a drive to limit or ban use of the leaf-blowers.

Why, then, the public forum? It doesn’t seem logical that the conference, “spurred by numerous complaints,” would be employed to increase the use of the brutal machines. Or am I missing something?


Opinion: Gas-powered leaf-blowers deserve the same restrictions as most shrill machinery used outside an industrial zone--unlawful before 8 a.m. and after 5 p.m. Who can describe having their sleep, or a tasteful dinner, unnecessarily ruined by one of those Stephen King machines?

And in answer to Councilman Dick Richards’ statement, “There aren’t too many alternatives”--ever try a broom? A very, very quiet broom?

Please keep us informed on the illogical public forum; they may decide to hold one in La Puente, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.



La Puente
