
Sheriff Block on Gangs and Drugs

I agree wholeheartedly with your commendation of Sheriff Sherman Block (editorial, “Even Without Drugs, There’d Be Gangs,” Sept. 21) for his bold insight into the cause of gang violence. Block correctly asserted that a fundamental connection exists between the deviance of gang violence and one’s self-worth.

As violence becomes an increasingly common phenomena, we must concern ourselves with ways of mitigating the attraction for self-enhancing experiences that gangs offer those who have previously only experienced lowered self-worth. Our inattention to this matter, as a society, manifests itself in an increase in violence and drug-related crimes. Violence and drug use are results, not causes.

Block’s perspicacious recognition of that reality should serve as guidance for leaders who fear to tread on what they must perceive to be the thin ice of political sophistication and candor. This perception is misguided as evidenced, at least, in the political arena, in incredibly low voter turnout. We deserve more! Thank you, Sheriff Block, for elevating the discussion!


