
S. Africa President De Klerk

Once again we’re inured with Jessie Jackson’s dogmatic love of rhetoric (“Why Then Embrace De Klerk?” Commentary, Sept. 27).

By propping up Iraq President Saddam Hussein and trying to make a feeble comparison between two very different circumstances, Jackson shows his very selective racial preferences, i.e., anyone who is not white.

Jackson states: “The world acknowledges that South Africa is a racist state.” Jackson’s mind is a “racist state,” and I challenge him to show me one nation free of racism.


Jackson thinks we should “talk it out” with Hussein. If Jackson were held at gunpoint by a thief, would he talk it out?

He informs us that (South Africa President Frederik) “De Klerk’s security police are now implicated in the current violence among black South Africans.” No, Jesse. Black tribes fight among each other like Crips and Bloods--yet I trust you will continue to believe that all black peoples’ sufferings are caused by whites.

A die-hard liberal. I always thought that a black U.S. President would show our love of liberty and equality. But honestly, I have black friends who are more qualified for the office than this habitual demagogue.



