
Otay Mesa

County supervisors voted Wednesday to appeal a $55-million judgment won by a wealthy San Diego family who sued the county over the price of land obtained for a new jail.

County spokesman Robert Lerner said the judgment, which could total $71.5 million after interest is paid, “has terrible implications.” The board of supervisors ordered the county counsel to appeal the jury’s award to Roque de la Fuente II and his family and if necessary seek a new trial, Lerner said.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Oct. 6, 1990 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Saturday October 6, 1990 San Diego County Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Column 1 Metro Desk 2 inches; 40 words Type of Material: Correction
Otay Mesa land suit--In an article Friday on a $55-million legal judgment against San Diego County, The Times incorrectly reported that the lawsuit had been filed by Roque de la Fuente II, who won the award. De la Fuente was the defendant in an eminent domain lawsuit filed by the county.

At issue is 525 acres of barren land in the county’s outback at the eastern edge of Otay Mesa, which the county obtained in September, 1987. The property, which the county obtained through eminent-domain laws for a jail, was owned by the De la Fuentes.


Both sides were unable to agree on a purchase price and the De la Fuentes sued. Last Friday, a Superior Court jury ruled in their favor and put a $55-million price on the property. County officials complained that the jury’s price tag raised the value of the land by 7,000% over the past five years, from $3,300 an acre to $375,000 an acre.
