
Report Card on U.S. Schools

Generally, our schools are very functional and constantly improving. The training and personal qualities of teachers are extremely adequate, and typically they are dedicated, skilled professionals. New curriculum, teaching methodology and technology are constantly provided and introduced through intensive staff development programs. State-mandated quality reviews are being conducted in all schools.

Compensatory education, bilingual programs and various other categorical services for special-need students attempt to equalize the achievement potential of all youngsters.

Yet, underachievement remains a massive problem.

My conclusion regarding the causes of the problem are based on 30 years experience in education.


The primary source of underachievement is the home environment.

I found that most parents want their children to succeed. However, three basic causes interfere in their participation: The parents are so overwhelmed by the socioeconomic circumstances of their lives that there is little left to give the child; parents don’t know what their role should be or how to perform it; parents are too busy and/or self-centered to focus on their child.

The obvious solution is parent education. If parents could be trained when their children are very small, and be assisted as their youngsters grow and mature, I’m convinced that much of the publicly perceived problems in education could be reduced and kids would achieve.


La Quinta
