
VENTURA : Water Usage Falls 24% in September

Water use in the city of Ventura was down 24% last month compared with September of last year, city officials announced.

Since inception of a mandatory conservation program, water use was down 26% in June, 22.1% in July and 18.4% in August.

“I was not very pleased when we dipped below 20% in our conservation efforts, but I am very pleased to see the public responding to what is a real crisis,” Ventura Mayor Richard Francis said Monday night.


Water use in September fell after water bills contained penalties for excess water use for the first time.

The goal of city officials is to reduce water use by 30% over last year, but they relaxed the goal during the hot summer months. They are optimistic that they can increase conservation during the fall and winter.

A four-year drought has depleted the city’s water reserves, and officials estimate a 20% overall water reduction will be needed to make up for the shortfall.
