
Crushing Iraq’s War Machine

I wholeheartedly agree with Cohen and Ranger in rejecting the notion of offering Saddam Hussein a face-saving deal that leaves untouched the basic threat--the Iraqi war machine.

The world’s response to any such deal must be “no way, Hussein.” This conflict must not end without the elimination of Iraq’s chemical, biological and nuclear warfare capabilities.

What Cohen and Ranger did not observe is that this objective can be achieved without a single shot being fired. As a part of any settlement, Iraq should be required to allow United Nations- or United States-led multinational forces to oversee the orderly demolition of its mass destruction plants and arsenals. Only if Iraq does not agree to these terms should less friendly means be used.


If we fail to eliminate the brunt of Iraq’s military threat this time, we’d better be prepared for a far deadlier third round of Iraqi aggression in a few short years.

