
Tax Increase Small Price to Pay to Stop Canyon’s Development

Columnist Dana Parsons quoted Laguna Beach Mayor Lida Lenney (“Mayor Must Escape Canyon for Respite in Mountains,” Oct. 7) as remembering her meeting with four other people in 1987 that would become the Laguna Canyon Conservancy.

This may be true of that organization, but this does not credit the tireless efforts of the Laguna Greenbelt organization that was started years ago by beloved Mr. Dilley. Without this tireless group’s activities over many years, the Conservancy would never have been possible, and I think that any reporting of efforts to save Laguna Canyon must include the really heroic work of the Laguna Greenbelt.

I do congratulate Mayor Lenney for her efforts, and all the past efforts of former Mayor Robert Gentry. May they continue this important and difficult task.



Laguna Hills
