

These are the candidates in the Huntington Beach City Council election Nov. 6. There are four council seats being contested. Incumbents Thomas J. Mays, Wes Bannister and John Erskine are not seeking reelection. Candidate Paul Cook is on the ballot, but he dropped out of the race and is not listed below.

Steven J. Roy

Occupation: Carpenter

(Information and photograph not available.)

Linda Moulton Patterson

Age: 47

Occupation: Businesswoman; public affairs consultant

Background: Now serving second term on Huntington Beach Union High School District Board of Trustees; current board president.

Issues: Favors “preservation of beaches, parks and wetlands, downtown redevelopment, strong law enforcement, including drug and gang prevention, traffic solutions, controlled growth.”


Mark Porter

Age: 53

Occupation: Technical sales manager

Background: Previously served 13 years on city Planning Commission; former director of Talbert Water District.

Issues: Supports Measure C and opposes commercial building in parks or on beaches. Criticizes council majority, charging that it is too closely tied to developers; favors a “new and stronger code of ethics applicable to all city personnel.”

Grace Winchell

Age: 52

Occupation: Incumbent; student counselor, Cal State Long Beach

Background: Elected to council in 1986; served on city Planning Commission 1979-86.

Issues: “My No. 1 priority is to preserve the quality of life in this city, and that means the fiscal soundness of the city must be addressed.” Strongly supports Measure C and opposes Pierside Village and any other commercial development on the beach.


George Arnold

Age: 59

Occupation: Self-employed entrepreneur

Background: Ran unsuccessfully in several previous races for City Council and once ran for governor.

Issues: Opposes Pierside Village project and any other new buildings on the beach; accuses council majority of being dominated by developers.

Edward G. Mountford

Age: 34

Occupation: Governmental affairs manager, Irvine Co.

Background: Current member of city Planning Commission.

Issues: Favors “continued revitalization of the downtown area, managing growth, expanding the city’s sale tax base, making city government more efficient and responsive to the citizens, no new taxes or fees, fighting crime.”


Earle W. Robitaille

Age: 59

Occupation: Retired police chief

Background: Huntington Beach police chief 1969-87.

Issues: Strongly supports downtown redevelopment, which he says is eliminating a longtime source of crime; says he is for “controlled growth”; criticizes Measure C and says it would prevent a proposed youth sports complex, which he supports. Advocates hiring more police officers and firefighters.

Jack Kelly

Age: 63

Occupation: Businessman; actor

Background: Served two terms on City Council, 1980-88, and two years as mayor.

Issues: Supports downtown redevelopment; criticizes “emergence of no-growth factions which could retard public safety levels and undermine revenue flow expected from sound growth management practices.”

Tony Passannante

Age: 64

Occupation: Pharmacist

Background: Appointed to Huntington Beach Growth Management Committee, 1988-89

Issues: Favors downtown redevelopment; favors Measure D “because I don’t want a passive park but one where you can have sports activities for youth”; supports more housing for senior citizens.

Dirk Voss

Age: 24

Occupation: Marine patrol officer

Background: Unavailable

Issues: Supports “preservation of city’s beaches, parks and wetlands” and is opposed to any new development on the beaches; favors more attention for mobile-home residents and senior citizens; opposes “city developments that are being built without consideration for the needed police and fire services that will increase.”

City Attorney

Gail C. Hutton

Age: 53

Occupation: Incumbent

Background: First elected city attorney in 1978 and twice reelected. Also served as an appointed deputy city attorney in Santa Ana, 1974-78.

Issues: Says her record is the major issue, noting that she has been in office for the past 12 1/2 years; says she has compiled a “record of experience, and responsible and cost-saving legal leadership.”


Paul Eugene Mann

Age: 53

Occupation: Attorney

Background: Former law instructor at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Academy; also a former appointed deputy city attorney in Los Angeles.

Issues: Criticizes the incumbent, saying that other city departments are unhappy with her office’s performance; also criticizes what he calls excessive hiring of outside lawyers “for jobs that should be done by the city attorney and her deputies.”
