
RTD run-around?A Montclair man’s bus didn’t show...

RTD run-around?

A Montclair man’s bus didn’t show as scheduled downtown at 3:30 p.m. In fact, it didn’t show at all --a clear test of the RTD’s new guarantee of a free ride for anyone whose bus is 15 minutes late.

The next bus on the line pulled up at City Hall at 3:50. The man asked the driver to stamp his monthly pass, entitling him to a freebie.

The driver said: “I’m not late, I’m on time. I don’t have to stamp anything.”

Two other passengers told the Montclair man they had been caught in the same vicious circle on other days.


What gives? RTD spokesman Anthony Greno said the driver was technically correct. But any such passenger can receive compensation by phoning RTD Customer Relations at 972-6235.

Or taking the bus over to RTD headquarters.

A Woody Woodpecker character appeared before the county Board of Supervisors Tuesday and was christened official mascot of the county’s recycling program, a clear override of Only in L.A.’s veto attempt. We had pointed out in a previous column that woodpeckers can cause great damage to trees.

Not only did the supervisors ignore us, but we were taken to task by a Woodland Hills resident who asserted that it was “a sad statement of our times that a world-famous fictional character” would be compared “to its live counterpart.”


She asked whether we should also “abandon such enduring symbols” as Smokey the Bear because “bears ravage campgrounds and attack people.”

No, it’s too late to get rid of Smokey. But let’s not feed him.

Authorities cordoned off a baggage area in the United Airlines terminal Tuesday to examine a rifle, a hand grenade and shell casings found inside an unclaimed duffel bag.

Fortunately, there’s a Hollywood ending to the story.

They were movie props.

Speaking of props, to get us into the Halloween mood, the L.A. Public Library’s Carolyn Kozo sent over this 1920s L.A. Chamber of Commerce photo of a couple of young ladies posing cheerily with some plaster skulls. Obviously, the Chamber of Commerce deserves some credit for the kooky reputation that L.A. has acquired.


Every once in a while Only in L.A.’s tired eyes come upon an eye-catching piece of mail.

A since-forgotten local sportscaster once gave us a T-shirt announcing the time, day and channel of a since-forgotten investigation of high school sports.

Another time we received the announcement of a press conference stamped on a brick. Then there was the vial of bull semen that arrived in the mail.

Now comes a press packet labeled “Energy Unlimited,” which has a small plastic bag containing a white, powdery substance attached to it.

It’s the first press release we ever had to flush down the toilet.

Only afterward did we notice it was chalk powder meant to rub on the hands while working out.


Here’s one the recent PBS “Civil War” series missed: El Monte had such a large population of Southerners during that war that each time it heard news of a Rebel victory, a Confederate flag would be raised in the town square.
