
TV Reviews : Title Drains Suspense From High-Seas Thriller

Don’t blame us for giving away the plot. “Only One Survived,” which airs tonight at 9 on Channels 2 and 8, was titled by the network or, less likely, director Folco Quilici, who wrote the novel (“Danger Adrift”) on which this adventure chiller is based.

The title is symptomatic of one of the deadlier sins of television--predictability.

Like, guess how many of our five stars survive?

Four pals from New York City set off on a fishing vacation off the coast of Brazil and hire a grubby old Italian and his grubby old salvage boat. But they hear about a $2-million insurance reward to bring in an abandoned schooner that is loaded with explosives and perils the shipping lanes.

Do they go for it? Guess.

Tougher question: Who finally survives? The really nice kid? The other guy with the strong chin and lots of righteousness? The old captain? Michael Beck, who plays rough, reckless, rowdy Paul? Or Perry King, whose stalwart Philip knows something about his wife and Paul but is too polite and noble to mention it?


Toughest question of all: Outside of that one character, can viewers survive the trip?

Well, Beck is excellent at surliness. King does a good martyr. The Brazilian landscapes and seascapes sparkle. It’s some good action. Just don’t remember the title. Forget it. Wipe it from your mind.
