
Directory Assistance for Students in Europe

The 1991 edition of the International Student Travel Conference directory, which lists discounts in foreign countries, is now available free when you obtain an International Student Identity Card.

The 80-page directory also includes the addresses of affiliated student travel offices. This type of information is particularly useful in such countries as Belgium, where student travel offices offer information on local businesses that honor the cards and a list of discounted tours and services.

In Finland, the student travel service, Travela, arranges weekly, low-cost trips into the Soviet Union. In Costa Rica, the student service can book three-day jungle adventures in Turtugero National Park for $125. Hong Kong’s student travel service can help arrange one- to 15-day China visits.


Some student travel services also can help locate economical lodging. Acotra, the student service in Belgium, operates a “welcome” desk in Brussels airport, helping arrivals with reservations. In Ireland, the student service, Usit, operates its own budget accommodation center in Dublin, providing bed and breakfast for about $10.50 per night.

Although the directory is useful, it’s important to be able to show a student identification card wherever you go. Ask for a student discount even if the special rate isn’t posted.

The 1991 International Student Card costs $14 and is available, with the discount directory, from Council Travel, 1093 Broxton Ave., Suite 220, Los Angeles 90024, (213) 208-3551, and from STA Travel, 914 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles 90024, (213) 824-1574.


The International Student Identity Card is the only card recognized around the world as genuine proof of student status.

In each of the 65 participating countries, affiliated student travel services have arranged that it be honored for a wide variety of discounts, from entrance fees at cultural attractions to reduced rates on transportation and accommodations.

In Australia, the card can get a 5% reduction on accommodations at Backpackers Resorts of Australia (a network of low-budget lodging facilities). Bus Australia also offers students a 25% reduction on some fares.


Rates are reduced on ferry travel in various parts of the world, too, including the Philippines, Mediterranean, North Atlantic and Scandinavia.

A Greek student travel service offers a 25% reduction on travel to many Mediterranean ports. The Danish student travel service has arranged reductions of up to 50% on ferry travel to Norway, United Kingdom, Faroe Islands and Iceland. Finland’s student service can book ferry travel to Sweden at about a 50% discount.

Students also will find themselves eligible for free or reduced rates at many museums in Mexico, can get a 50% discount on admission fees to historical sites and museums in Egypt, and will receive about half-price admissions to sites in Athens.
