
Bradbury Comment Found Offensive

I find Ray Bradbury’s swipe at Norman Mailer’s “egotism” (View, Oct. 4) offensive and self-serving. Ever since Bradbury donned roller skates shortly after arriving here from Waukegan, Ill., and started prowling L.A. for autographs, his appetite for the self-publicity game has never apparently abated. Can you name another area writer as visible as Bradbury on “lit” panels, talk shows, etc.? He has parlayed a less than modest talent (he’s basically a slick, popular writer) into big bucks and big fame. My guess is that Mailer might take some cues from RB re: self-advertisement/egotism. Show me a single paragraph by Bradbury that matches in quality, energy, talent a single paragraph in Mailer’s “The Naked and the Dead.” Mailer needn’t worry. A gnat is a gnat is a gnat. . . .


Huntington Beach
