
Dispute Over TBS Abortion Program

Re Rick Du Brow’s Nov. 10 column about the protest against Turner Broadcasting System’s Dec. 7 documentary, “Abortion Denied: Shattering Young Women’s Lives”:

The tirade by Nellie Gray of the March for Life and Rep. Robert Dornan against Ted Turner’s TBS channel station for not having a panel discussion after the program is typical of the moral and intellectual dishonesty of the fundamentalist/far-right movement.

Arguing that Turner is guilty of being one-sided, they conveniently overlook how one-sided their own beloved Trinity Broadcasting Network is. TBN broadcasts 24-hour-a-day, mind-numbing propaganda that exhorts viewers to wage Christian warfare against society. It offers virtually no balance.

There is no “other side” for these “bozos,” as Turner aptly referred to them. Ted, bozos is too kind a characterization.


