
Smithcliffs Project Ill Conceived

The Times’ coverage of Gary Brinderson’s controversial plan to build 26 luxury homes on North Laguna’s Smithcliffs property has focused on the environmental damage to a prime monarch butterfly habitat. But this ill-conceived project will create a host of serious problems.

Brinderson avoided the tough planning and environmental review process required by Laguna Beach. Instead, he insisted that the project be reviewed only by the county, using weaker standards that are understandably preferred by developers.

Last week Brinderson’s strategy paid off when a majority of county planning commissioners approved his project. The commission majority agreed with Brinderson on every key point, ignoring these problems:


* There is no meaningful public coastal access, as required by law. The plan calls for a locked, gated, guarded compound.

* Trees will be removed during massive grading operations, including a grove of pines that harbor thousands of monarch butterflies during the winter.

* Potentially dangerous traffic will be created on Coast Highway, where injuries and congestion are already notorious.


* A narrow public access strip, new street and parking bays are located against the shallow back yards of residents.

Brinderson’s Smithcliffs development is poorly conceived, has arrogantly bypassed the review process by Laguna Beach, and is an insult to all county residents who deserve better planning, environmental protection and access to our public beaches.

