
Tustin’s Trinity to Broadcast on South African TV

Trinity Broadcasting Network of Tustin has been included in a group of religious broadcasters approved for time on South Africa’s state-owned TV networks, the government press association in Pretoria reported Wednesday.

The South African Minister of Home Affairs, Gene Louw, said the Christian Television Group, which includes Trinity, will be given 30 minutes each weekday morning and two hours Sunday on the main government network, TV1, and two hours each Sunday morning on the two African-language stations. The government requires that the religious broadcasts have at least 50% local content and contain no advertising.

Trinity’s founder and president, Paul Crouch, has been telling viewers for the past year that the 24-hour-a-day programming service was hoping for an entire channel on the South Africa state system. Trinity already operates a station in Ciskei, a black “homeland” in South Africa.
