
What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

Contrary to the statements in Phillips’ article, the Bible neither condones nor accepts homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle. The Scripture references in your article were not represented accurately and do not begin to cover the full scope to which the subject is addressed.

Interpreting the Bible isn’t a game. God’s purpose is not to draw boundaries and say who is in or out. He is not waiting to strike us down when we step over the line. We have a free will and can do what we want, but we also have a reference point to do what we should. God doesn’t hate sinners (if that were true there would be no hope for any of us). He hates the sin.

If we would accept his message without trying to “water-down” the original intent to fit our own personal lifestyles, our society wouldn’t be burdened with the social and economic hardships associated with diseases such as AIDS.


