
Cosmic Happenings at Griffith Observatory

Celebrate several cosmic events at Griffith Observatory this month. At precisely 7:07 p.m. Friday, the sun reaches it southernmost point in the sky and winter begins. This is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.

Early cultures celebrated the solstice with ceremonies that involved lights and green plants, all of which is explained at the observatory’s annual holiday planetarium show, “The Christmas Star,” presented until Jan. 1.

Also this month, a blue moon occurs on Dec. 31. A blue moon is the second full moon in the same calendar month. The last New Year’s Eve blue moon occurred in 1971. The next one isn’t on the cosmic schedule until 2009.


For program information and show times, call the observatory at (213) 664-1191. Call (213) 663-8171 for the weekly Sky Report.
