

Behind the rattle of sabers in the Middle East beats the steady ticking of the Population Clock in Washington. That same beat underlies higher war budgets and lower living standards even in our favored country where we now skimp on water and recycle trash--and wonder why. The answer can only be that basic resources are being used up faster everywhere today--that 5.3 billion people are at last too many for Earth to support easily.

That is a disquieting thought, but no other answer fits. If the world were not already overpopulated, why do 5 million children die of malnutrition each year? Why are nations fighting over the last remaining pools of oil? Why are all the trees being cut down?

No matter how many troops we put into the field, the Population Clock of the world ticks away the living standards of us all. We stop our ears to that sound because we know we cannot turn back the clock.



