
Controversy Over Menorah Display

I am a Baptist and to read that a group of people who want to celebrate, in America, is being denied that right because of the place or location is so very sad.

I understand the reasons behind the decision but I still feel so very sad. Our society has become so detailed and prison-like because of abuse of certain privileges. We are losing more than gaining. We do not tolerate each other because we have lost respect for each other.

I wish the Chabad organization were able to celebrate as they wished, but then we would have to let all other organizations do the same thing. It seems because some people wish to either abuse a certain privilege or go beyond a certain tolerance level, that privilege must be taken away. Therefore all of society loses. In a way society is constructing its own prison because we must control the deviant faction.


To see a deeply religious (Christian or Jewish) ceremony held out in public would give me hope for the future and give a sense of wonder at the present.


