
Program Exchanges War Toys for Stuffed Animals

War toys given as Christmas presents can be exchanged for stuffed animals under a peace group’s “Teddy Bears for Toy Guns” program.

“I feel that war toys are unbearable. We need to stop the arms race as well as the war toys arms race,” said peace activist Jerry Rubin, director of the Alliance for Survival chapter in Los Angeles. Alliance for Survival has sponsored the exchange program for the past three years, distributing more than 3,000 teddy bears and destroying a cache of war toys. A San Francisco toy manufacturer donates the stuffed animals.

Asked what Alliance for Survival does with the war toys, Rubin said: “We’ve steam-rolled them, burned them and buried them.”


Rubin, who is not related to the Chicago Seven figure with the same name, said parents can participate in the exchange by calling the Alliance for Survival at 213-399-1000.
