
YORBA LINDA : Council Creates New Zoning Post

The City Council has approved creation of a new post of zoning administrator, who will hear minor zoning and land-use matters that now come before the Planning Commission.

Council members on Tuesday unanimously endorsed the new office, which is designed to cut down on the time it takes to get approval for routine and non-controversial conditional-use permits, variances and lot adjustments. No increase in city staff is expected.

For example, the zoning administrator will have the power to decide whether to grant a conditional-use permit for certain residential structures, such as a satellite receiving antenna or a solar energy system.


Senior Planner Bruce Cook said some items were taking up to six weeks to go through the Planning Commission process.

The office will function in a manner similar to the Planning Commission, including the holding of public hearings, mailing of public notices, drawing up agendas and writing reports and minutes. Planning officials still haven’t decided who will be zoning administrator.
