
KABC Treatment of Anti-War Rallies

It is a sad commentary when a news organization that is supposed to be unbiased and holds mandate to report all sides of an issue blatantly suppresses newsworthy issues. Channel 7 should be ashamed of itself.

This letter is not because I am a war protester. On the contrary, I served in the Marine Corps and am proud of it. My complaint is the sanitizing of the news--not only by a few stations and/or reporters but also by the government. It is apparent that the government and the Bush Administration force the media to report only what they want the public to see.

In regard to Channel 7, its zeal for ratings has allowed it to cross over the border of ethics. How can it be unbiased when its staff members wear yellow ribbons on their lapels while reporting the news? It makes a person ponder: Will Channel 7 news employees begin wearing pro- or anti-abortion buttons, pro- or anti-right-to-die buttons, pro- or anti-ethics buttons?


The “Eyewitness NewsVan” goes only where KABC’s side of an issue is being represented.


