
KABC Treatment of Anti-War Rallies

Regarding Howard Rosenberg’s commentary about KABC’s treatment of anti-war protests, “Channel 7 Doesn’t Hear the Voices of Dissent” (Section A, Feb. 26):

The article was perceptive and appreciated. I and colleagues were among marchers downtown Jan. 26. That evening, we were amazed to find that Channel 7 had news of demonstrations in other cities but nothing about Los Angeles.

It is extraordinary when upward of 20,000 people march down Los Angeles’ Broadway. It is hypocritical of news people, who posture about their heroic dedication to truth and reporting, when they fail to do their jobs because of political pandering.


The peace movement gave the lie to President Bush’s claim of universal citizen support for the Gulf War. Channel 7, wanting to be “good Germans,” simply censored the news about the L.A. march and rally. And the blackout on protests continued in ensuing weeks.


President, Orange County Chapter

Veterans for Peace

Yorba Linda
