
South Pasadena : Sunday Library Hours OKd

Beginning in mid-April, the South Pasadena Public Library will expand its hours to include Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m. in a trial program approved by the City Council Wednesday.

The council agreed to fund the extra hours until the end of the year. Depending on the response by the public, the change could be made permanent after that, members said.

The action complies with one recommendation of last year’s city management audit, which also urged the council to triple the library’s book budget and allocate $100,000 to its audiovisual and reference collections. The city has not acted on those recommendations.


Dorothy Cohen, president of the Library Board of Trustees, told the council that most libraries are busiest on Sundays, when students and others are free to use them. She said many South Pasadena residents are forced to use Pasadena’s public libraries on Sundays.
