

Index of median sales volume and projected sales volume in Southern California for firms participating in The Times’ 1972-1991 residential building surveys.

Sales Sales Volume Projections (1971=100.0) (1972=100.0) 1971 100.0 1972 100.0 1972 104.3 1973 97.7 1973 97.8 1974 89.8 1974 85.9 1975 78.1 1975 76.1 1976 81.3 1976 105.4 1977 142.2 1977 141.3 1978 156.3 1978 144.6 1979 151.6 1979 144.0 1980 125.0 1980 142.4 1981 125.0 1981 91.3 1982 78.1 1982 80.4 1983 96.1 1983 83.7 1984 140.6 1984 128.3 1985 157.0 1985 196.7* 1986 196.1** 1986 260.9 1987 213.3 1987 262.1 1988 210.2 1988 321.7 1989 225.8 1989 375.0 1990 351.6 1990 287.0 1991 221.9

NOTE: Southern California includes Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.


* Based on revised sales volume for 1985. ** Based on revised sales volume projections for 1986.
