
Cal Thomas on Modern Church

I find interesting Cal Thomas’ article (“The Modern Church Grows Irrelevant,” Column Right, Commentary, March 8) on the irrelevance of theological liberals. Having been a “born-again” conservative for 12 years and a graduate of Fuller Seminary, I must admit that I agree with his assertion. Not that I think that the ordination of homosexuals is wrong or that Paul wasn’t repressed; Paul certainly was repressed, but whether it was from homosexuality is another question. The Bible is remarkably silent on the apostle’s sexual preferences.

However, having since rejected Christianity, I also find irrelevant the theology of the conservatives. It seems that their agenda of “societal ills” is limited to defining what is and isn’t art, what videotapes Blockbuster should be allowed to rent and what positions (if any) are appropriate in the bedroom--other areas where the Bible is equally silent. His article only confirms something that I concluded some years ago when I departed Fuller’s sacred doors to enter the real world: that the church’s liberals and conservatives are equally irrelevant. If it turns out that Jesus is God, he might very well stand in judgment of both groups. If he isn’t, then what’s going on in his name should be enough to make him turn over in his grave.


