
George Will on Gun Control

I take exception to the so-called conservative George Will’s commentary on the Second Amendment. He cites that more teen-age males die from gunfire than from natural causes. What kind of a comparison is that? Are most of his readers morons? How many teen-agers ever die from natural causes? My belief is that a large part of youth violence results from a breakdown of the nuclear family, and that guns, knives, drugs, turf wars and the like are only symptoms of the problem. I wonder how many of shooting victims come from broken homes?

At the end of his commentary, Will states that the embarrassing Second Amendment should be repealed, because self-defense is not as important as it was 200 years ago. He obviously doesn’t know any Lithuanians or Armenians, and sounds a lot more like Mikhail Gorbachev than people give him credit for.

ALLEN ANTOYAN JR., Fountain Valley
