
LOS ALAMITOS : Water-Saving Plan Will Be Voluntary

A water-conservation plan was approved by the City Council on Monday, but because of recent rains the council opted to go with voluntary restrictions for the immediate future.

The ordinance approved Monday details the city’s plans for water conservation in light of the five-year drought. But with near-record rainfall throughout the state in March, water supplies have increased dramatically and the council decided to put off implementing mandatory restrictions.

“It is important to have something on the books,” Assistant City Manager Gerard Goedhart said. “If it gets any worse, the plan gives us legal justification to do certain things,” such as imposing mandatory restrictions on water usage and fining violators.


For now, residents and businesses are asked to obey the restrictions voluntarily. They include prohibitions on washing down pavements and washing vehicles unless a hand-held hose or bucket is used, and serving water in restaurants without a specific request.

Restrictions also call for no watering of lawns, landscape or recreational facilities from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. between April 1 and Sept. 30.

The city purchases 30% of its water from the Metropolitan Water District, with the other 70% pumped from ground wells, according to Art Gomez of the Southern California Water Co., which provides water to the city.
