
Restored Train Won’t Be Ready for 1st Trip

Railroad enthusiasts who have spent the last six years restoring Santa Fe steam engine 3751 said Tuesday that they will be unable to take passengers on a planned three-day excursion to Sacramento next week because the engine will not be completely tested and ready.

Sandra Koonce, spokeswoman for the San Bernardino Railroad Historical Society, said the society’s board of directors does not know how long it will take to arrange a new trip, nor has it decided how to refund fares to passengers who do not want to wait.

The Los Angeles-to-Sacramento trip, scheduled to start April 29, included overnight stops in Barstow and Bakersfield. It would have delivered the 189-ton behemoth to the state capital for RailFair ‘91, the 10th anniversary of the State Railroad Museum. The adult fare for each segment of the trip was $250, with proceeds paying for the restoration, Koonce said.
