
EDUCATION : Colleges : Rio Hondo Trustees Name Director of Student Services

Rio Hondo College trustees have named a former graduate to be the first vice president of student services. J. Manuel Baca will oversee financial aid, student counseling, veterans’ services and the admissions office.

Baca’s position came about in last year’s administrative reorganization. Formerly, the college grouped student services under community services. “The feeling was that . . . it was too much for one person,” said Pamela Otto, director of public relations. Under the new setup, the community services administrator oversees non-credit programs for senior citizens, foster children and amnesty applicants.

Baca joined Rio Hondo as an administrator in 1982 and, among other duties, has served as director of veterans’ affairs and financial aid. The former Marine sergeant began his higher education at Rio Hondo after serving in Vietnam. Baca earned a master’s degree in public administration at Cal State Fullerton and is completing doctoral work at USC.
