
Ventura Honors Adobe Docent


Betty Nilmeier, a volunteer for 10 years at the Olivas Adobe, has been named Volunteer of the Year by the city of Ventura.

Nilmeier, 70, said she was pleased and surprised to receive the honor. Her interest in the Olivas Adobe comes from a love of history.

“Even though I was a math major in college,” she said, “for recreation, I always enjoyed reading about history.”


Nilmeier is one of a group of 25 docents who give tours at the adobe, said city spokeswoman Glenda Jackson.

“But she performs a lot of volunteer duties,” Jackson said. “Not only does she prepare artifacts, but she bakes bread in the outdoor ovens and makes tortillas from scratch during Old Adobe Days. She also trains new docents.”

One of Nilmeier’s favorite duties is to work on the outreach program aimed at fourth-grade students.


“The children grind corn, make adobe bricks and learn to use a rope,” Nilmeier said. “And all the time they get California history mixed in with it.”

A ceremony was held Thursday at City Hall to honor the 1,300 volunteers who have contributed 46,381 hours of service during the past year.

Their jobs include reception and clerical work in addition to working for special events, the farmers’ market, parks and recreation, recycling, the Albinger Museum and senior programs.


“The Volunteers for Ventura program enables the city to enhance services at a significant cost savings of taxpayers’ dollars,” Jackson said.
