
Read Sample Ballot Carefully

I would like to call this to the attention of all taxpayers. I am amazed at the ways of the Pomona Unified School District, trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the north Diamond Bar residents who have been promised a high school since 1972.

I learned of a meeting just hours before it took place at which Supt. Irv Moskowitz was campaigning for Proposition E, which calls for $62.5 million, the only item for the June ballot.

If this Proposition E is passed, you will be adding anywhere from $19 to $50 per year for the next 25 years on your tax bill.


Mr. Moskowitz said that he only wanted to push the idea in Diamond Bar and Phillips Ranch area, because he felt that Pomona would not pass this bond. This is why only the local schools have been notified and only the parents of these schools.

I learned of the bond only when I had received my ballot in the mail. I had the pleasure about two years ago to ask Mr. Moskowitz at Golden Springs School, where is our high school?

Mr. Moskowitz said that he had just been elected and it would take at least five years, and please give him time to work on it. I heard the same thing last week.


I have put three children through the Pomona school system. My children all went to college, and are adults now, but I am still hearing the same story. Either there is not enough money or not enough students to warrant a high school.

Please read your sample ballot very carefully because it does not guarantee the money will be spent on a high school.

Questions: Where is all the lottery money going? Where is the 42% of the state money that is earmarked for schools going? How many more bonds can you afford on your tax bill? How many more taxes (gas, utility, alcohol, cost of living and any other taxes) can you afford?


I say stop them now and let our federal, state, county and city start cutting taxes and start using the money we have in our budgets now.


Diamond Bar
