
Seeking a Remedy for a Child-Care Dilemma

Robin Abcarian is to be highly commended for her outstanding series of articles on the challenges, choices and concerns about child care in the 1990s (“The Child-Care Dilemma,” May 12-16). We appreciate your devoting so much space to the subject.

Over the past few years, the League of Women Voters has studied the issues of child care at the various levels of government. Our studies have shown the ever-growing need for more quality and affordable child care. We also have concluded that the potential solutions will call upon the cooperation and creativity of everyone in the public and private sectors.

We recognize the need for better salaries for child-care providers and for better licensing procedures. We commend the Board of Supervisors for adopting an official child-care policy for Los Angeles County and are hopeful the county will further its efforts in providing child-care programs for its employees.



League of Women Voters of Los Angeles County
