

Your May 21 Pacific Rim special edition characterized the government of the Republic of China on Taiwan as a “one-party presidential regime.” This description is inaccurate and misleading. A more apt description would be “multiparty legislature; indirectly elected president.”

For several years there has been a viable multiparty political system in Taiwan. The opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) consistently receives 25-30% of the popular vote. Its members hold key local elective posts and seats in the legislative body. The president, U.S.-educated Dr. Lee Teng-hui, is elected by members of the National Assembly.

Taiwan has a dynamic democratization movement aimed at perfecting its existing institutions. It is President Lee Teng-hui who is leading this movement and insisting that changes be put on the fast track.


JAMES YU, Press Attache, Coordination Council for North American Affairs, Los Angeles
