
Councilman From Culver City Will Be Radio Show Guest

Culver City Councilman Steven Gourley, who has advocated closing U.S. borders to illegal immigrants, will discuss his views with call-in listeners during a Spanish-language radio show tonight.

Gourley set off a furor when he announced the idea in March during a speech as outgoing mayor of Culver City. Known for his outspokenness, Gourley has said that schools, courts, hospitals and jails are overburdened with illegal immigrants.

Latino and immigration activists accused him of racism, and other City Council members distanced themselves from the remarks. But some letters to the editor applauded Gourley’s views.


The program, “Realidades” (Realities), is from 8 to 9 p.m. and is hosted by Antonio Gonzalez on KLVE (107.5 AM). Gourley is fluent in Spanish.
