
A Different Disease

The June 6 TV log noted that “L.A. Law” would air an episode about “a man who cared for his AIDS-stricken lover (and) is denied access by the latter’s family.”

The man was not stricken with AIDS but rather amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease.

This was a repeat of a program from November that the ALS Assn. had helped with medical input. It is difficult getting word to the public on ALS, a fatal neuromuscular disease. Then, when we do have the opportunity with such a highly watched show as “L.A. Law,” it is promoted as AIDS.


Someone’s not doing his or her job, and it hurts a lot of people who will die with ALS without ever knowing there is a place to turn.


Vice President, Communications

ALS Assn.

Woodland Hills
