
Korean Veterans

On Tuesday, it is doubtful that anywhere in the United States will there be any type of a parade to welcome home the veterans of another war that has long been forgotten along with those who fought in it. This war lasted 37 months (June, 1950-July, 1953), during which 5,764,143 participated, 54,246 died, 103,284 were wounded, 8,377 were missing in action and 559 were unaccounted for as prisoners of war. There was no welcome home, no parades.

What these men and women did was, as most heroes do with minor exceptions, return to their families, jobs and country and become productive citizens. They did not cry about their experiences in the war or drop out of society. They have lived with their good and bad experiences, without shame, for a war that they were not allowed to win.

All they have ever asked for from the United States and its people were to be welcomed home and to be remembered for what they tried to do. It appears that after 41 years since the Korean War began, these heroes are still forgotten.



Marina del Rey
