
Vote on Abortion Counseling

Here is how members of the California delegation voted on an appropriations bill that includes an amendment that would block enforcement of the government’s policy banning abortion counseling at federally funded family planning clinics:

Democrats for--Anderson, Beilenson, Berman, Boxer, Brown, Condit, Dellums, Dixon, Dooley, Dymally, Edwards, Fazio, Lantos, Lehman, Levine, Martinez, Matsui, Miller, Mineta, Panetta, Pelosi, Roybal, Stark, Torres, Waters, Waxman.

Republicans for--Campbell, Cunningham, Lewis, Lowery, Riggs.

Democrats against--None.

Republicans against--Cox, Dannemeyer, Doolittle, Dornan, Dreier, Gallegly, Herger, Hunter, Lagomarsino, McCandless, Moorhead, Packard, Rohrabacher, Thomas.
