
S. Africa Repeals Apartheid Law

I would like to respond to the letter on South Africa’s future (June 21). It seems to me that the content and tone of Paul Kent’s letter reflect a profound ignorance of the situation in South Africa, and in Africa as a whole. The idea that “liberation” has led African countries down the path of economic ruin would have one believe that white domination, be it under colonialism or apartheid, is what kept, and in the case of South Africa, continues to keep, the citizens of these countries prosperous. I cannot imagine what basis Kent has for such a belief.

As to the “strength” of the South African economy to which he refers, surely the vital manpower that blacks have traditionally provided without fair compensation has had a role to play. And while the “savagery” between black groups is indeed tragic, the savagery between whites and blacks is equally tragic.

Finally, his certainty that “white flight” will occur if blacks move into white neighborhoods is particularly misplaced. Whites consider themselves, rightly so, as South African as blacks do. If white South Africans are to leave their homeland, where does Kent propose they go?


The reforms that De Klerk has undertaken have not been easy to implement. The dismantling of apartheid will continue to be a difficult process, with serious obstacles and setbacks. But anyone who fails to see the granting of equal rights to all citizens of a nation as a step in the right direction has failed to comprehend the lessons of history.


Los Angeles
