
Supreme Court on Bus Searches

In response to Samuel H. Pillsbury’s column (“Hard to Say No, Trapped on a Bus,” Commentary, June 26), it is a very difficult and touchy situation. The idea of the police being allowed to approach an individual with no just cause and proceed to question and search this person provides one with a frightening thought of a totalitarian state. However, the drug and overall crime problem in our nation is becoming so extremely severe that we may find that such actions will unfortunately be required as a last resort in a thus far futile attempt by the authorities to have any impact on our deteriorating society.

Could it be that we can no longer survive with the current rights and freedoms that have been so vital to American for over 200 years? But can we continue to exist as the land I was taught as a child to love and cherish as the greatest nation on Earth if we continue to see our highest court make decisions which are slowly leading us in the direction of totalitarianism?

It seems quite obvious that we have a tragic situation in this country regardless of the direction the Supreme Court takes in the coming years.



Los Angeles
