
A Crossing Guard Disputes Time of Trip

I loved Thomas Bonk’s article (July 7) about Wimbledon’s class and Don Budge’s reminiscences about the good life of boat travel before jet planes. However, as I am sure Don will agree with me, it would have been a physical impossibility to cross the Atlantic with the Queen Mary or the United States in 2 1/2 days, as stated in Mr. Bonk’s article.

I enclose a photocopy of the ship’s log from a 1958 Queen Mary voyage that shows that the 3,151 miles from Cherbourg to New York were covered in 4 days 15 hours at an average speed of 28.21 knots. Granted, 8 hours 44 minutes were under reduced speed, but even averaging 35-40 knots it would still take at least 3 1/2 days.

The truth, however, is that no one wanted to go that fast--it was simply too enjoyable to hurry.



