
PRO FOOTBALL : DAILY REPORT : RAMS : Perry Arrives After Release From Jail

Offensive lineman Gerald Perry, having just finished paying the price of his stormy stay with the Denver Broncos, officially joined the Rams Monday, two days after he was released from Arapahoe County, Colo., jail, where he served 65 days for sexual assault and violation of probation.

The Rams immediately put him in a dorm room with Jackie Slater, a 37-year-old leader of the team.

Perry says he comes to the Rams asking only for a chance to play football and be free of his problems with alcohol once and for all.


“You know, you can’t really say you’re starting over because as bad as I want to forget what has happened, I think that would be the wrong way to handle it,” Perry said after undergoing a team physical. “I think the best thing for me to do is always remember what happened.”

In his three-year Denver career, Perry, 26, was charged nine times beginning Dec. 12, 1988, for crimes ranging from soliciting a prostitute to sexual assault. He was convicted twice.

With tackles Robert Cox and Perry fresh and finally in camp, some of the young offensive linemen who have been pulling double or triple duty can finally rest a little.


For the last week, free agents Dustin Quinton and Trevor Ryals and draft choices Neal Fort and Jeff Pahukoa have taken snap after snap because of holdouts and injuries.

To make room for Cox, the Rams released quarterback Bobby San Jose, the Cal State Long Beach product and son of office assistant Ray San Jose. When Perry is reinstated, the Rams will have to release someone else.
