
AIDS Legislation

Congratulations on an excellent editorial (“The Fear That a Doctor or Dentist Has AIDS,” July 25). Your careful and well-reasoned analysis is in stark contrast to the situation under scrutiny.

The California Dental Assn. also believes that “punitive legislation is no substitute for professionalism.” The practice of HIV-infected health care workers is a health issue, not a criminal issue, and one which pivots on infection control.

The public should be aware that dentists and staff share their concerns about infection control and are taking every step towards protecting the health of patient and staff alike. The very fact that such guidelines were issued in the face of such extremely small risk to the patient is a measure of the health community’s profound commitment to safety.


When combined with the universal precautions already in practice, the new guidelines should help the public feel secure in the dental office, and will in no way compromise the state of health care in this country. Reacting, as some U.S. senators did, in such an extreme way with no transition time for implementation smacks of political opportunism at its worst.

DALE F. REDIG, DDS, Executive Director, California Dental Assn., Sacramento
