
Woody Harrelson Stirs Up a Storm Over Gulf War

The congressional debate over authorizing force in the Persian Gulf showed that the case against war can be made in credible and constructive ways.

But Harrelson’s ravings that President Bush initiated the war “simply to bolster the oil companies, the weapons industry and a presidency that was at the time sagging” will impress only his fellow members of the Blame-America-First Club. Since oil prices dropped in the wake of the war and Defense Secretary Dick Cheney has announced a 25% cut in Pentagon spending by 1995, I’d say that the Ed Asner of the Clearasil set was a little off the mark.

And nowhere in Harrelson’s lament of mounting casualties among Kurdish and Iraqi children is there one word criticizing Saddam Hussein, not even a hint of the responsibility he bears. No sane person wants war, but as long as the dark side of human nature exists, it will be necessary to use more than guitars and crystals against the tyrants of the world.



Manhattan Beach
