
Bree Walker’s Right to Make Her Own Choice

I do not feel that Norris should be faulted for saying what everyone else is thinking. That, after all, is the purpose of a public forum such as radio.

I was astounded when Walker’s pregnancy became apparent. I could not believe that such an intelligent, seemingly responsible woman would risk giving birth to a child who would be burdened for life with Walker’s unfortunate condition.

I believe strongly that people who carry genetic flaws should voluntarily refrain from producing offspring, as difficult as this decision is. I know whereof I speak, as I have chosen this route for myself.


To be born with a serious disorder and go on to make something fine out of one’s life, as Walker has done, is certainly admirable, even noble. To be willing to play Russian roulette with a child’s life by passing on the handicap is not.


Los Angeles
