
Alhambra Needs Police Station, Fair Way to Pay for It

The city of Alhambra needs a new police station! I challenge anyone to tour the existing facility and come away with a different conclusion.

The only problem is that we must pay for it. I also challenge anyone to devise a formula for payment that would not be contested. Have you ever known a tax to be fair and appreciated?

We have delayed on this issue for 10 years now, during which time the situation has only gotten worse. Lack of earthquake standards and fire sprinklers, increased staffing needs, new technological changes (such as 911) and a jail that is only one-fourth of that which is needed for today’s supply of criminals have left our city vulnerable to the crime which surrounds us.


The problems will not go away and the need only becomes more dire the longer we procrastinate. We simply have run out of room and out of time.

As an Alhambra homeowner and business owner, I am especially interested in how this project will be paid for. No one segment of the population wants to be stuck with a disproportionate share.

As president of the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce, I have met with business leaders, the city manager, the finance director (and) the chief of police to ensure that a fair and equitable distribution would be spread over all of the businesses and residents based on their needs and intensity of use.


The rates vary from $800/acre for low-intensity industrial property, up to $2,300/acre for those businesses that require greater demand for police service.

The residents would be charged only $49/year per household (which equals 13 cents a day) and only $37/year per apartment unit.

I feel strongly that this current formula is both fair and equitable.

On Tuesday, we will be asked to invest in the future of this community. We will have the choice of either building our future, or turning our backs on our problems and hoping that they will somehow cure themselves. A yes vote on Proposition A is a vote for our children’s future and well-being.


The Soviet Union has just crossed a similar bridge, and they took the hard way and opted for what was right! I only hope that you have the same courage!


