
‘BIBLE VIDEOS’ LETTERS : Recalling Germany, 1934

Obviously Rosenberg has little or no knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, for if he had he would not knowingly set himself up for all the forthcoming criticism from Jews and Christians.

The video series he is so set against is in fact Bible-tested and accurate. So he’ll have to voice his dissent with the author of the Bible, the Holy Spirit.

If the truths in the Bible bother him, he should get on his knees before God and get his heart right with Him. The Bible never bothered anyone after they have come into a personal walk with Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Light.


The article is totally incorrect, and Rosenberg will be held accountable in the Judgment if he has influenced anyone with blatant anti-Bible views.

My advice is for Rosenberg to read the Bible, for he has been deceived by Satan.


Garden Grove
