
Gehry Design for Disney Concert Hall

Mama mia -- mama mia , what have we here? The picture of the final design of the Walt Disney Concert Hall, the future home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, by Frank Gehry leaves one speechless.

This is not to condemn, but a feeling of being aghast at the bravery of our so very conservative powers to undertake such a drastically different modern hunk of stuff; it gives one pause. Maybe all is not totally hopeless--there is a modicum of guts and daring.

However, one can easily visualize the outcry, the horrific wails of anguish from the Establishment old fogies.


Well, we shall see what we shall see. I somehow expect terrific opposition.

May I point out that the Guggenheim in New York designed by Frank Lloyd Wright--a horror on the outside--is a lovely dream inside, a real glory. Let us hope for some of the same.


North Hollywood
